Joke Battles Wikia
Kirb amiibo


The Road Roller is a powerful demigod who steamrolls over everything. He steamroller'd over his original timeline after he ascended to his god form, so he has no true point of origin. Physically, he is capable of devouring worlds with ease, but his ultimate weapon, The Golden Steamroller, takes that to a whole new level by allowing him to sequentially destroy every timeline within the multiverse one by one, leaving behind an empty higher-dimensional space.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 4-B, 2-C with The Golden Steamroller

Name: Road Roller

Origin: The Amiiboverse

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown, he destroyed his original timeline

Classification: Kirby amiibo

Powers and Abilities: Immortality via regeneration, can drain life from opponents, stats increase in a pinch, vector manipulation, minor conceptual manipulation via inhaling (Can temporarily "devour concepts", making them irrelevant, but only relative to his own existence), Acausality via Golden Steamroller (Can steamroll over thousands of timelines one by one without causing any multiversal anomalies, which tricks the multiverse into thinking it is in mint condition despite not having any universes remaining within it)

Attack Potency: Solar System Level (Solo'd off the justice league by devouring all of them at once), Multi Universe Level with The Golden Steamroller (Steamroller'd over several timelines)

Speed: Below Average Human with Infinite Speed reactions, Immeasurable with The Golden Steamroller (Can cross the multiverse in an instant)

Lifting Strength: Immeasurable (Can carry The Golden Steamroller)

Striking Strength: Immeasurable

Durability: Multi-Universe Level (Survived the destruction of his own timeline without being harmed by it)

Stamina: Infinite

Range: Multi-Universal (Can devour thousands of concepts at once from other universes)

Standard Equipment: The Golden Steamroller

Intelligence: Limited Omniscient (Holds the knowledge of everything in the multiverse, but all of the knowledge is sealed within him, so he can never use it) 

Weaknesses: The effects of his conceptual manipulation are temporary, all of his knowledge is sealed within him so he can only act on instinct alone

Notable Attacks/Techniques: HE DOESN'T NEED ANY


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
