Joke Battles Wikia
Shadow Queen Full Body
You Are Foolish To Oppose Me And Yes That Foolishness Will Be Punished
~ Shadow Queen

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 4-A

Name: Shadow Queen

Origin: Mario Bros

Gender: Female

Age: 1000 Years Old

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Darkness Manipulation, Dark Lightning Manipulation, Absorbing Life, Regeneration, Can Create Live Beings, Dead Hands Resurrection, Can Poison People,Can Confuse People, Invulnerability, Can Increase Her Offensive And Defensive Powers, Mind Control, Possession

Attack Potency: Multi-Solar System Level (Stronger Than The Crystal Stars Which Greatly Increased Mario's Power)

Speed: At Least Sub-Relativistic (Could Keep Up With Mario)

Lifting Strength: Class G Via Scaling From Mario

Striking Strength: Multi-Solar System Class

Durability: Multi-Solar System Level (Can Withstand Attacks From The Crystal Stars)

Stamina: Very High

Range: Extended Melee Range Planetary With Her Abilities

Standard Equipment: None Notable

Intelligence: Unknown 

Weaknesses: May not be used to the body she possesses, wishing powers, and Crystal Stars can be used against or to seal her.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Lightning Blast: Shoots a lightning bolt.
  • Power Lift: Boosts her attack.
  • Shadow Wave: Creates massive dark energy waves.
  • Dangerous Breath: Causes damage. It can also poison, confuse, and prevent stat changes on her opponents.
  • HP Drain: Drains the HP of her opponent.
  • Dead Hand Stampede: Makes a bunch of dead hands ran over the opponent.
  • Shade Hand: Drags her opponent under the stage.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:



Boss - Shadow Queen Part 2 - Paper Mario- The Thousand Year Door Music Extended
