Joke Battles Wikia


Sakura is a weakling, fodder tier, she constantly tries to look tough and all, but her only use is to be useless

Powers and stats[]

Tier: 💩 Fodder Tier

Origin: Naruto

Name: Sakura, Weakling, Sasukeeeeee.

Gender: Male (Once a female)

Age: Who cares?

Classification: Failure

Powers and Abilities: Having fear, Hiding, Laundry, Sasuke, failing extremely hard at the simplest things.

Attack Potency: Negative dimensional. Her potency is so low that she only watches the fights, and when she actually does attack there's a 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% chance of her losing in canon episodes. Filler episodes are reduced to a 100% chance. Her attack potency is only high, however, when she's in a fight against Naruto. This means that she has a higher chance of hitting him and dealing tons of damage when she's next to a downplayed version of Naruto.

Speed: Incapable (Below dimensional concepts of speed)

Lifting Strength: Negative dimensional (So weak she is below the concepts of dimensions)

Striking Strength: Negative dimensional (So weak she is below the concepts of dimensions)

DurabilityNegative dimensional (So weak she is below the concepts of dimensions)

Stamina: Nill. Stamina becomes high when Sasuke is present, or she hears his name. This allows her to infinitely exert herself until Sasuke is dead, absent, or just out of sight.

Range: 1E-200 planck lengths

Standard Equipment: Nothing

Intelligence: Borderline brainless. Everything she is and does in the show is just for Sasuke.

Weaknesses: Everything, including her physical and mental prowess.


  • Justin Bieber
  • Naruto Uzumaki (Downplayed) (Close match but she still has stats.)
  • The One Below All
  • France (does France even have stats France is even weaker than sakura)
  • Tails miles prower (lowballed and downplayed)
  • The truly unidenably weakest of all
  • Naruto (according to haters)
  • Rose tico (still more useful than her)
  • Unown (at least has more than one move)


  • Yamcha
  • Sasuke
  • Life