Joke Battles Wikia




~ Sleuth

"Knock Knock!

"Who's there?"

"It's Andrew Hussie, your son got killed by Lord English! He's double dead!"

~ Sleuth telling a funny joke

What does Sadistic Sleuth mean? Sadism is a love for harm. Sleuth means problem solving. Ergo, the phrase "Violence isn't an answer" is a literal f*cking lie. Well, a half of me said it is not an answer, but it is a question. The answer to this question is yes. However, this is a question that shouldn't be asked for the fun of it. I may be Sadistic, but I ain't no d*ck. That's Sadistic Sleuth's way of solving things: Fight Fire with Fire, bring a gun to a gun fight, give em a taste of their own medicine, don't shoot the messenger, and most importantly: I'm saying all this because my main and final form needs a quote, so I may or may not be honest when saying this.
~ Sadistic Sleuth


A long time ago, Tod the Eldrazi was scatter across time and space into two parts... Sadistic, and Sleuth. When these parts merged together, they formed Sadistic Sleuth, who is Tod reborn

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 2-A | 2-A | User Tier

Name: Sadistic Sleuth, Sadistic, Sleuth

Origin: IRL

Gender: Male

Age: Older than Old

Classification: Asshole

Powers and Abilities:

Has all the powers of this guy, Sadism  

Has all the powers of this guy, expert Joker and Sleuth Skills 

all previous powers to a greater extent and all the powers of this guy and these guys, Superhuman Physical Characteristics, RERO RERO RERO RERO RERO RERO, Piano Manipulation, Wank Manipulation, Admin Privileges (Only on CSAP. Even then, he's just a mod), Argument Invalidation, Biasness Manipulation, Bibulus Manipulation, Cancer Manipulation, Cringe Manipulation, Debating Skill, Discord Manipulation, Downplay Manipulation, Erase Existence, Fake Frank (Can call someone Fake News and win), Fiction Soloing Manipulation, Godmode Disabling, Hax Manipulation, Irrelevant Existence, Laziness Manipulation, Lit Manipulation, Madness Manipulation, Manipulation Manipulation, Megalovania Manipulation, Meme Manipulation, Meme Creation, Meme Physiology, Meme Physics, Meme Awareness, Meme Embodiment, Meme Erasure, Plot Armor, Roast Manipulation, Spam Manipulation (Can spam copypastas), Stupidity Manipulation, User Physiology (IS LITERALLY THE EXAMPLE GIVEN IN THE IMAGE), Verse Soloing Manipulation

Attack Potency: Multiverse level+ (Should be comparable to Cross Chara on CSaP) | Multiverse level+ (Comparable to Dark Cosmic Jhin on CSaP) | User Tier (All of his profiles on CSaP are mere fragments of his work, and he views them as mere fiction. Is the Ocean Man)

Speed: Immeasurable | Immeasurable | Ocean

Lifting Strength: Immeasurable | Immeasurable | Ocean

Striking Strength: Multiverse level+ | Multiverse level+ | User

Durability: Multiverse level+ | Multiverse level+ | User

Stamina: Low

Range: Low

Standard Equipment: Computer

Intelligence: ???

Weaknesses: Raisins, Buttons

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Keys: Sadistic | Sleuth | Sadistic Sleuth


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
