Joke Battles Wikia
The better
Many lives were claimed but eventually, the champion stood, The rest saw the better, Mr. Rogers in a blood stained sweater.


Mr. Rogers was the victor of the Ultimate Showdown, of Ultimate Destiny. Though many lives were claimed, Mr. Rogers eventually came out on top.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: At least 4-B, possibly 3-A

Name: Mr. Rogers

Origin: The Ultimate Showdown (of Ultimate Destiny)

Gender: Male

Age: Hundreds of years old (the battle raged on for centuries)

Classification: The better in the blood stained sweater

Powers and Abilities: Resistance to Mind Manipulation, Telekinesis, Memory Manipulation, and other Force powers (Darth Vader stood no chance), Reality Warping (Not even Jambi the Genie could harm him), Conceptual Manipulation (Godzilla, who was compared to Scruff McGruff, could not bite him), Longevity, Sword Mastery

Attack Potency: At least Solar System level, possibly Universe level (Vastly superior to Chuck Norris, who killed Batman and required the combined strength of Gandalf the Grey, Gandalf the White, Monty Python and the Holy Grail's Black Knight, Benito Mussolini, the Blue Meanie, Cowboy Curtis, Jambi the Genie, Robocop, the Terminator, Captain Kirk, Darth Vader, Lo-pan, Superman, every single Power Ranger, Bill S. Preston, Theodore Logan, Spock, the Rock, Doc Ock and Hulk Hogan to take down. Stronger then Godzilla who took a bite out of Optimus Prime, said bite was compared to Scruff McGruff, who could literally "take bites" out of universal concepts, such as "crime")

Speed: At least Supersonic (Much faster then Jackie Chan who could deflect bullets with his fist)

Lifting Strength: At least Class K (At least comparable to Godzilla and Optimus Prime who could move buildings)

Striking Strength: At least Solar System level (Implied to be the one who killed Superman), possibly Universe level (Stronger then Spock, The Rock, Doc Oct and Hulk Hogan. Superior to every single power ranger)

Durability: At least Solar System level, possibly Universe level (At least comparable to Indiana Jones who barely survived Chuck Norris kicking him in the crotch - a similar attack outright killed Batman)

Stamina: Vastly superhuman

Range: At least extended melee range

Standard Equipment: His sword, the bloodstained sweater

Intelligence: Vastly genius. Capable of going toe-to-toe with the likes of Blue Meanie, Spock, The Rock, Hulk Hogan and even Jambi the Genie as an equal, if not a superior)

Weaknesses: He abides by a strict moral code and felt nothing but regret for being the victor


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
