Joke Battles Wikia
Sorry, I can't give credit. Come back when you're a little... mmmmmm ...richer!
~ Morshu


Morshu McPhereson is a character appearing in Link: Faces of Evil. He's a shopkeeper in land of Koridai, who sells lamp oil, rope and bombs to Link in exchange for Rubies/Rupees. 

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: Memetic

Name: Morshu McPhereson

Origin: Link: Faces of Evil

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Engineer, Swordsman, Resourceman

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Rupees attack, Rain of bombs, Kaioken, Energy blasts, Spinning Bombing, Spinning Ropes, Seismic BuMMMp, Falcon MMM, MMM Sphere, Healing abilities, Several immunities, bomb proof, bomb oil fire, nuke bomb, rope of truth

Attack Potency: Dwarf Star level (Defeated Base Ganon) | Large Star level (Defeated Ganon with two pieces of the triforce) | Unimaginably above Omnipotence (Defeated Base Weegee)

Speed: Relativistic | Relativistic+Memetic+

Lifting Strength: Class T+ | Class E+Boundless

Striking Strength: Dwarf Star Class | OceanIncalculable

Durability: Dwarf Star | Ocean | Invincible

Stamina: Very High | Extremely High | Endless+

Range: Planetary | Universal | Endless++++

Standard Equipment: Bombs, Rupees, Ropes, Magic Rope, Shocking rope, Lamp oil, Rocket Morshu, Morshu Blaster, Sticky Bombs, The M Bomb, Shotguns, Nuker Bomb, Golden Rope, Fire Oil, America Summoner Oil

Intelligence: Tactical and combat Prodigy

Weaknesses: He exert himself to the fullest only in tragic circumstances which is impossible because he never runs out of rupees

Key: Morshu | Metal Morshu | SSJ Morsayen forms

Note: He defeated Weegee, that automatically equate to Memetic

Others []

Notable Victories:





Base Weegee

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
