Joke Battles Wikia


Michael Malloy was an unkillable man who gained a reputation as such during the Great Depression. He proceeded to fight in World War 2, and eventually is recruited by Drumnp during the Moon Wars. He is also a child of Ardon.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 9-C, 9-B with standard weaponry, 6-C with The Vault.

Name: Michael Malloy

Origin: Drumnpverse

Age: Born in 1873

Gender: Male

Classification: 25% Demon, 25% God, 50% Human

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Invulnerability, Immortality (Types 1, 2, potentially type 5), Regeneration (Low), Resistance to everything

Attack Potency: Street Level (Overpowered five men with his bare hands, smashed shovels in half, and later received military training.), Wall Level with standard weaponry (Gained access to several weapons in World War Two, including several heavy explosives.), Island Level with the Vault (Stole an unnamed Holy Sword from Ten Beard's vault, which should be at least somewhat comparable to Caliburn.)

Speed: Peak Human (Fought five men at once and went through military training.), with Supersonic attack speed with weaponry (Utilized many standard firearms.), Massively Hypersonic+ with the Vault (The Holy Swords found should be comparable to Caliburn.)

Lifting Strength: Peak Human

Striking Strength: Street Level, Island Level with The Vault

Durability: At least Star Level (Extremely casually tanked two nuclear bombs. Tig's assassins couldn't leave a scratch on him. Survived the full output of the Lance of Myag, which destroyed a star.), Likely Universe Level (Possibly comparable to Ardon in durability.)

Stamina: Superhuman. Michael could drink the strongest alcohol for hours on end with no effects to his body, and function completely normally with lethal doses of poison in him.

Range: Standard Melee Range, Hundreds of Meters with weaponry.

Standard Equipment: Grenade Launcher, Two pistols, An unnamed Holy Sword.

Intelligence: Generally low due to constant alcohol abuse.

Weaknesses: None at all.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
