Joke Battles Wikia


Because apparently nobody could be fucked with it when it was still relevant. (How old is this fucking thing again?)

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: At least Mighty No. 9-

Name: HDTF (Hunt Down the Freelet, Hunt Down the Refund, not Freeman because fuck if he's anywhere to be seen in this shit game)

Origin: Valve's asshole

Gender: Dunno (Can games have a gender?)

Age: Over a year (WAIT, WAT)

Classification: Failure, Glorified Mod, Russian

Powers and Abilities: Overpriced (Not even close to worth your 20$), Being review-bombed, Mind Manipulation (Somehow convinced Valve to support this shit), RAEG Manipulation (And rightfully so), Darkness Manipulation (It was impossible to see fucking anything in it's initial state)

Attack Potency: Meh (I mean, in hindsight, I guess it ain't really that bad a game, but for what it set out to accomplish, it flopped HARD)

Speed: Zoom Zoom (It's controversy started spreading even before it was released, and the flames only burnt faster from there)

Lifting Strength: Two-Dimensional (Cannot ever lift the review scores, which are just words on a screen)

Striking Strength: Bleh (It's campaign and gameplay are about as engaging as staring at the dust particles coming off a brick wall)

Durability: "You fucked up my face!" (Somehow still survived the onslaught leveled against it, albeit barely)

Stamina: Average (Supposed to have 14+ hours of content, but if you know what the fuck you're doing, it takes like 3)

Range: Internet range (Yes, I am sick of saying that, but it's the only thing I can think of, so shut it)

Standard Equipment: Knives, guns, remodeled knives and guns, tons of bugs, darkness, horrible enemies (and not in the good way), Big Mitch from the Metal Gear Solid series

Intelligence: Below garbage (Seriously, the fact that they're trying to fix the game is commendable, but there is no escaping fro, the pit they've dug themselves)

Weaknesses: Pretty much every person alive with some standard


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
