Joke Battles Wikia


Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 6-C, possibly 6-B

Name: Dogmobile

Origin: Megaman Sprite Comics

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Dog car

Powers and Abilities: Sound Manipulation, Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Minor Conceptual Manipulation (Gets to decide whenever he is or is not capable of telepathic powers)

Attack Potency: Island Level (Flying to the moon at relativistic speeds would generate this amount of energy) possibly Country Level (Fought and assisted in the defeat of the Ghost King)

Speed: Relativistic+ (Flew to the moon and back in a few seconds) |

Lifting Strength: Superhuman (Can carry Megaman and Zero all the way to Earth)

Striking Strength: Class EJ

Durability: Unknown (Died after landing on Earth by crashing into a tree)

Stamina: Likely very high

Range: Melee, several meters via barking

Standard Equipment: Wheels

Intelligence: Learning Impaired 

Weaknesses: Doesn't seem to have much control when moving at high speeds, as he crashed almost instantly when returning to earth

Notable Attacks/Techniques:


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
