Joke Battles Wikia


Credit to BestJumperCB.

Screenshot 2019-11-15-16-22-32

Credit to BestJumperCB.


BestJumper is an OC created by BestJumperCB.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 2-B | 2-A

Name: BestJumper

Origin: YouTube

Gender: Male

Age: 12

Classification: Humanoid

Powers and Abilities: Human Physiology | Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Humanoid Physiology, User Physiology, Profile Manipulation, Profile Creation, Animation, Fourth Wall Awareness, Toon Force, Teleportation, Regeneration, Duplication, PSI, PK Attacks, Meme Attacks, Lightning Manipulation, Soul Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Hammerspace (Can summon hammers, bats, a bat that is on fire, arrows, level 9 hammer, mallet, and many more), Reality Warping (Can defy the laws of physics) | Same as before but 5000x stronger, Energy Manipulation

Attack Potency: Multiverse level (Can one-shot Darkseid, defeated Ness and Kirby at the same time) | Multiverse level+(strong enough to defeat Ultra Archie Sonic)

Speed: Massively FTL+ (Outpace Archie Sonic, went around the whole solar system in 1.2 seconds)

Lifting Strength: Class T (Able to lift 8 castles from Super Mario world including Bowser's)

Striking Strength: Possibly Low Multiversal | Possibly Multiversal+

Durability: Multiverse Level (Survived attacks from Gigyas, Bomberman, Mario, Goku, Naruto, and Darkseid, survived from black holes) | Multiverse+ Level (Survived an explosion that destroyed 3 universes)

Stamina: Average

Range: Average

Standard Equipment: None

Intelligence: Average

Weaknesses: He is still a kid, not much experience with toon force, and can be knocked off with his meme attacks.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Psi/PK Attacks:

  • Psi Rocket: Summons orange homing rockets = 28 damage. 1% chance of missing.
  • Psi Black Hole: Can summon a mini black hole.
  • Pk Burrrrp: Burps a sound wave strong enough to break through metal.
  • Psi Heal Up: Gains hp and heals wounds.
  • PK Time: Stops time for 2 minutes even works for people who are immune to time stopping.
  • PK K.O: Makes them dizzy for 2 turns.
  • PK Finder: Lets him know their name, hp, and weaknesses.
  • PSI Quick: Makes him go hyper and attacks very fast, speed increases to Beyond mftl+, bash into his enemies like a lightning bolt, and effects go up to 36 turns.

Meme Attacks:

  • Sanic Bash: Charges his speed and blasts of into enemies
  • Ultra Instinct: Becomes 5000x stronger. He can stay as long as he needs.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
